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Mobiles Telemonitoring-System für Anwendungsfelder im arbeits- und präventivmedizinischen Bereich

Aim: The complexity of field investigations of occupational health and preventive medicine requires a high degree of discipline of the subjects and a high planning, management as well as post-processing effort of the investigators. The use of advanced communication and information technologies provides new possibilities of investigating subjects in a flexible and multidimensional way.

Method: The developed telemonitoring system allows the synchronized acquisition of several physiological parameters, applied strain factor and individual progress documentation. The use of wireless transmission standards allows a continuous data monitoring from the location of the subject to the investigator. Via a web-based information system the investigator has a direct insight into the numeric and visualized results.

Results: The online monitoring of data takes place regardless of location with an acquisition duration up to 24 hours with high data quality and a lesser time exposure for the investigator. Studies with 125 subjects verify a simple handling of the system and an extensive interference freedom at work.

Conclusion: The presented telemonitoring system significantly reduces the investigation effort.