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Das Kompetenznetz Arbeitsschutz: qualitätsgesicherte Informationen für Betriebsärztinnen und Betriebsärzte

The new “slimmed-down“ occupational health and safety act only defines aims and makes the employer responsible for finding his own way of achieving these aims. Together with the central requirement of the occupational health and safety act, the evaluation of risks, this means that employers require a great deal of information about possible solutions for the company‘s occupational health and safety problems. The safety-at-work expertise network (Kom-Net) can help here. KomNet was developed in order to make quality-assured information centrally available for as many target groups as possible in the occupational health and safety sector. KomNet is a demand-oriented system based on Web technology. Its main components are a virtual knowledge databank which develops itself dynamically and expertise centres for which occupational health and safety experts from almost all relevant specialist disciplines and institutions produce quality-assured answers.