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Heterogenität der MdE-Beurteilung bei der Berufskrankheit BK-Nr. 5102 BKV: Mögliche Ursachen und Optimierungsvorschläge

Skin tumours and their preliminary stages may be recognized as an occupational disease after exposure to soot, raw paraffin, tar, anthracene, pitch or similar substances (BK No. 5102 BKV). In a retrospective evaluation of n = 986 cases of disease recognized as an occupational illness according to BK No. 5102 BKV during the period 1948—2000, outstanding differences concerning compensation were observed. The reasons for this heterogeneous assessment practice were analysed by means of a differentiated evaluation of the individual skin tumours and the different consultants in order to develop ways of optimizing the procedure. The data was evaluated retrospectively using a standardized questionnaire which took into account both the occupational disease and the documented expert opinions on the disease. Among other things, parameters such as the number, localization and expansion of the histologically verified skin tumours, the time of diagnosis and the year of the assessment were taken into consideration. For occupational disease BK No. 5102 BKV there are considerable differences within the recommendations for similar clinical pictures. Basal cell carcinomas were ascribed greater importance by the consultants when it came to compensation than squamous cell carcinomas. In the collective investigated, the requirements for compensation could already be achieved and exceeded by the presence of some basal cell carcinomas, but only by a median count of at least 4 squamous cell carcinomas. The odds for approval of compensation were found to be increased by 680 % per diagnosed basal cell carcinoma, but only by 244 % per squamous cell carcinoma.