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Arbeitszufriedenheit, selbsteingeschätzter Gesundheitszustand und Beanspruchungen von Mitarbeitern eines Universitätsklinikums im Vergleich zu anderen Betrieben
Unterschiede in der Bewertung von Klinikärzten/innen und Pfleger/innen

Aim: The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions: 1. Are there any differences between the results for a university hospital and those for other companies which suggest special sources of stress or other shortcomings of the work environment? 2. Does comparison of the results for the clinicians with those for the nurses of the university hospital reveal any indications of specific occupational stress?

Collective and Method: Five companies from different branches of a network for workplace health promotion, one of them a university hospital. Survey by means of a standardized questionnaire asking, e.g., about “health situation”, “health problems”, “satisfaction”, “mental state”, “wished for improvements” at the workplace. The survey was repeated twice.

Results: Whilst only marginal differences between the different companies were found for self-rated state of health and health problems, the clinicians considered their state of health to be particularly good. In the university hospital, the lowest level of job satisfaction was found and the highest values for the item “exhausted/tired”. Especially high relative frequencies were found in the group of clinicians. Whereas the clinicians considered that the main need for improvement is in work organisation, the nurses/male nurses stated that the appreciation of their work by their supervisors could be improved.

Conclusions: The present comparison of organizations yielded the highest values for occupational stress (tired/exhausted) and the lowest levels of job satisfaction for clinicians and nurses; this is a typical high-risk situation for burnout. At the same time, however, the clinicians reported the best self-rated state of health. On the one hand, it is conceivable that the clinician image requires this latter result; on the other hand, the specific mental stress and the precise suggestions for improvement of working conditions lead to the conclusion that there is need for action to benefit clinicians as well as nurses.
A clarification of the question as to whether the results are due to the special circumstances of this hospital or whether they are typical of the branch is still pending.