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Aktion zur Raucherentwöhnung bei Auszubildenden in einem Großbetrieb

Of particular importance are anti-smoking measures targeted especially at young people. A total of 56 apprentices from Daimler-Chrysler AG’s technical training courses in Stuttgart took part in the campaign “Rauchfrei 2002“ (Smoke-free 2002). In order to monitor the success of the campaign, the group was questioned about its current tobacco consumption on three subsequent occasions - 10 weeks and 18 months after the “Rauchfrei 2002“ campaign via anonymous questionnaire and 36—42 months after the campaign via telephone interview. The results of the first two follow-up surveys have already been published. 16% of participants still abstained from smoking after 10 weeks and 11% after 18 months. The present study now reveals the results of the third survey. 39 % of the original participants have now given up smoking. The data show that among young smokers there is a group of people who are motivated to give up and that campaigns of this type can provide such individuals with a significant long-term stimulus to quit smoking.