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Über den Nutzen der Arbeitsmedizin in der Praxis

The discussion about the place of works medical care in companies and in the health system is increasingly being linked with the question about the value of occupational medicine and occupational physicians in practice. The value of preventing future disease cannot, however, be measured in simple figures: the evidence, the contribution to company economics and the role in the company’s management of health are discussed. On the basis of the experience of an occupational-medical service involved in caring not only for large companies, but also for small and medium-sized companies, the main areas in which the occupational physician is of value are described. The main emphasis is on the ability to work, the thing that interests both the employee and employer. The areas investigated were:
– the prevention of adverse circumstances by creating employeefriendly work,
– occupational-medical counselling to prevent hazardous behaviour,
– involvement in health management,
– the contribution made towards reducing unfitness for work,
– the early recognition of risks for chronic degenerative diseases,
– rehabilitation in the case of handicap and chronic disease,
– involvement in the prevention of disease and accidents, providing information on this and rehabilitation
These areas focus particularly on the quality of the results and can be found in the evaluation criteria of the German society for the quality control of occupational-medical care (GQB). The drawing up of occupational-medical guidelines for carrying out these tasks could be a step towards measuring the quality of the results of occupational-medical care. Linking occupational-medical and general disease prevention remains a decisive criterion.