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Risiko Arbeitsweg

Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to gain information about the specific factors increasing the risk of commuting accidents (accidents on the way to and from work). Socio-demographic, work-related and driver-related factors were taken into account. Methods: A standardized telephone interview was carried out with 201 employees in the automobile industry who had had a commuting accident. 324 control persons (employees without a commuting accident in the last 5 years) were questioned with a similar, but adjusted interview. Results: The results indicate a higher risk of commuting accidents for young employees under 25 years old than for older employees. Motorcyclists and bicyclists had a higher risk of being involved in a commuting accident than did those using any other form of transport. Conclusion: Prevention programs to minimize the risk of commuting accidents should be developed specifically for the different target and risk groups. The reasons for the increased risk of being involved in a commuting accident and the possible ways of eliminating or minimizing the risk are discussed.
